One of the stories Lou has told is that she and her mother often shared a refrain in which the call would be "We are so lucky," and the response would be that yes, they were. I want to model this in my life, every day: to focus on the positive aspects, of which there are many.
- Andy and I are so lucky to share a deep friendship that predates our and almost even supercedes our romantic relationship. I've never been in a relationship where I'd been friends with the person first. It makes a huge difference. I used to think snide thoughts about people who would say that their spouse was their "best friend." Now, I understand.
- We are so lucky to have 3 healthy and relatively happy kiddos. (I say "relatively" because we must keep in mind that one is a teenage girl, and therefore incapable of consistent happiness.)
- We are so lucky that, although money is tight and we can't always run right out and get whatever we want when we want it, we have enough to cover all the "needs" and some of the "wants."
- Emily and I are so lucky to have weathered the storm that almost overtook us in October of last year.
- And last, but certainly not least, we are so lucky to live in a place where we are surrounded by natural beauty, and so lucky to have eyes with which to see it.