Monday, October 12, 2009


It seems that every sporadic blog post I make these days begins with an explanation as to why I haven't updated in so long. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I guess I'll attempt to explain why I've been neglecting photography (a true passion) and posting here.
Many of you know that I was laid off in July. This came completely unexpectedly, and after 10 years of what anyone would consider faithful service to the company I worked for. It wasn't the best place to work, but I counted myself lucky to have a job, and I used to joke with a friend that I was a "lifer." Truly, I probably would never have left unless an opportunity too good to be true had fallen in my lap. I wasn't looking for anything else.
Since that Friday afternoon, I have alternated between feeling scared, angry, bitter, hopeless, paralyzed, and scared again. I don't get enough on unemployment to cover the rent and all the bills, and there's nothing left over for any extras. The help wanted section of the paper is no help. I've put in some applications and sent out a few resumes, but haven't heard anything back. I'm exhausted and feeling pretty pessimistic these days.
I know that attitude needs to change before anything else can happen, and I'm trying. I have many blessings left to count, and more support from the ones I love than a lot of people get when they're in a similar situation. It's just that right now, I feel kind of like this caterpillar, balled up around myself as a defense against what might happen next.


Esther said...

Oh Amy, I hope things start to look up soon. I love how you used your photos to tell the story. How something beautiful can come out of something just terrible. Keep your head up!

Anonymous said...

Your photos are very evokative of the mood of your words. I hope things take a turn for the better for you very soon.

Krystle said...

Wow. That;s all I've got. I'll say it again... Wow.

Mandy said...

Oh sweetie! Hugging you from afar...I know its tough. I am praying that things will turn around for you soon. All my best!

Nicki said...

If ever pictures reflected the story - these do. I am sorry about your situation. No words can magically eliminate the fear and anxiety of an uncertain future - BUT things will go forward and in the process, so will you. I don't know what field of work you were in - but look beyond the obvious and consider something different. I honestly do wish I had a magic wand that would make things better - I'd wear that wand out!

Reds said...

So sorry you are going through some rough times. Hope you find a good job soon. And your pictures are very evocative.

Kelly said...

You can be the caterpillar and I will be the branch you can attach your sticky cocoon to as you morph into a beauuuutiful butterfly.

Hang in there, friend. You're not alone.

pat said...

HAng in there, Amy. I love they way that you use photography to mirror your feelings, and the fact that you used leaves that had turned, rather than old dried-up brown leaves. That shows that you are still hopeful and full of the zest for life that characterizes you. Hang in there; even little caterpillars that are all curled up find the path to survival.

Shanna said...

Gorgeous Colour!

Suzy said...

Good to see you back Amy! I like what pat just said :). Great captures and love the colors!

Lou said...

May I say, Ms. Caterpillar, that your colors are stunning. It's my job these days to tell those I love that I have boundless hope. Amy, I have hope that everything will turn out well for you and the kids.

Angela2932 said...

Wonderful, but sad, journaling, and such beautiful photos. . . . Please take care of yourself during these rotten days! Hopefully, things will turn around soon for you :(