Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hideously Cute

Or maybe cutely hideous.

The toy museum had a small display of these Palmer Cox "Brownies." I was enthralled.
Check out this band...look at their ugly, adorable little faces! The best one is the tuba player. Doesn't he look like he's peeved because he has a big round butt in his face?Best advertising slogan ever: "It's that after taste!"
I think my favorites were these two.


Anonymous said...

Those are pretty neat. Love the one about the after taste!

Sharon said...

I think they are rather creepy. I hope I don't get nightmares. ;)

Becky said...

WTH is that between his legs in the first one? I wonder if these appeared creepy to kids then the way they appear creepy to us now.

Liz said...

OMG OMG OMG I am going to have nightmares. Those are some of the scariest things evah! *shudder*
Great photos and cool in a historical toy kinda way but scary nonetheless. LOL

Reds said...

Those are too funny!! Wouldn't want to have them as toys - they are kinda scary!

Anonymous said...

I just love stuff like this. What I would not give to have some of those things for sessions. Even if they are a bit creepy.

Gypsy Girl(Brenda) said...

They sure are colorful. Cool shots.

Jess said...

Whoa, I never knew there was so much Brownie stuff! Brownie pills??!! LOL! And what adorably ugly dolls/characters to go along with them! ROFL!

Angela2932 said...

They look like something created by Lewis Carroll for Alice in Wonderful. Especially that frown in the last one. (The face alone would make an interesting close-up!) Cute? Yes! Cuddly? nah.

Anonymous said...

I had no idea who Palmer Cox or his Brownies were, so I did a little research. Perfect find for the photographer like you!

Anonymous said...

Tag your it!
check my blog now to see whats up!

Anonymous said...

Miss you!