Monday, August 4, 2008

Overtaking the Amphitheater

On the other side of Frontier Park, where we attended the Jazz and Blues festival, there's an amphitheater. This amphitheater is not that old...maybe 5 years? (I could be wrong on that, but I don't think it's been there long.)
The amphitheater itself is really interesting....
but I loved how the trumpet vine on the outside of the dome is slowly overtaking the entire thing.

It is forcing its way through the panels of the dome, creeping inside even as it flourishes outside. The flowers range from creamy yellows to deep red-oranges.
I really loved how this group bloomed inbetween two panels, kind of pressing themselves in the process.
I don't know much about trumpet vine, except that it attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. I would assume it can be fairly destructive if it overtakes the wrong thing. But I hope they can leave this go, so that next year the entire dome is made of one giant cluster of beautiful flowers and greenery.


Anonymous said...

That looks like a cool the flowers!

Mom2Drew said...

I love amplitheaters...they produce some amazing acoustics! The flowers are just the icing on the cake. Thanks for all the angles and color.

Bobbi said...

That looks really awesome, the first shot is so cool. husband was totally waxing hoff tongiht thanks (couldn't resist)

Sharon said...

That's really cool! I wonder what the vine will do with acoustics on the inside of the dome?

Jess said...

That is one gorgeous amphitheater! I do love how the vines are slowly taking it over. I am with you, I hope they leave them alone so they can grow farther up next year too!:)

Kristina said...

That first shot reminded me a bit of the Hobbit! So lush and green and unique. :)

Anonymous said...

WoW, that is really neat!

For Over 29 Years... said...

wow that is really cool! I love all the different angles you caputred.

Anonymous said...

Wow. That vine doesn't seem wild, and I wonder if the park officials want it to cover the shell. You captured the colors of the blossoms beautifully.

Becky said...

That is really cool...and kind of creepy in a Stephen King kind of way.

Anonymous said...

That is just the coolest thing ever. I love all of the pants growing off it. I really think the last one...the perspective with the deep blue sky, totally rocks.

amy grace said...

i wanted to check out the Jazz & Blues Festival, but i haven't had a chance yet...

Angela2932 said...

What an interesting structure! I really like how you photographed the 3rd one.

pat said...

Very very cool. Love those first and second shots. How fun that the trumpet vine is taking over--and it will. They are very vigorous and invasive.

♥ Amy said...

Those are such pretty pictures!! LOVE that vine creeping around and through. I enjoyed looking at it from every angle.