industrious \in-ˈdəs-trē-əs\ (adj.): hardworking; constantly, regularly, or habitually active or occupied.
Isn't that the perfect description of this bee? I took about 25 shots as he moved from blossom to blossom on this rhododendron. Excellent macro practice, though my macro skillz are nowhere NEAR as mad as my friend Lou's. She's macrotastic. She's the macro queen. She's macronificent. (Okay, okay. I'll stop.) Check out the bee, why don't ya.
The first thing I noticed was that all your pictures have that same color...nice job in editing them all equally. that purple is so vibrant and rich looking too. Nice job.
Now that I see this buzzy guy up closer, I see it's a bee, not the spider I thought from the tiny header photo. I think that bees fumble in flowers, sort of rub themselves all over the inside so they get as much pollen on themselves as they can stand, then stumble back to the hive, all drunk and happy. LOL That rhododendron color is too gorgeous.
LOL I just watched "Bee movie" with the girls tonight. So yes- the bee is super busy!!!
Welcome to POTD!
Boy, he was mining that azalea like crazy! They move so quickly--nice work!
The first thing I noticed was that all your pictures have that same color...nice job in editing them all equally. that purple is so vibrant and rich looking too. Nice job.
Yes, that IS the perfect description of a bee! Great shots of him, those guys are HARD to catch in good focus because they MOVE so darn much! :)
Those little guys are hard to get--nice job. Great colors too. It's my ambition to be macrolicious. :-)
Great color and how cool you caught the bee in there.
See? That's why I love you. You take beautiful pictures -and- you can spell rhododendron -and- you say things like macrotastic!
Love this vibrant purple!
Now that I see this buzzy guy up closer, I see it's a bee, not the spider I thought from the tiny header photo. I think that bees fumble in flowers, sort of rub themselves all over the inside so they get as much pollen on themselves as they can stand, then stumble back to the hive, all drunk and happy. LOL That rhododendron color is too gorgeous.
Shew...that is a hard working bee! Macrofabulous shots! (couldn't resist!)
Love the contrast of the bee against the color of the flower! Nice job!
Oh cool pictures. Welcome to POTD. Can't wait to see what kind of titles you come up with for you posts like you were mentioing online last night.
Me,I'd of been backing away rapidly from a bee, not carefully capturing with my macro!!!! kudos to you for your bravery, and great shots!
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