Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Girl at Night

Emily indulged me the other night around 11pm, when I decided I'd like to go try a few nighttime shots. We went downtown and got a couple of shots along State Street and at the Perry Square Fountain. I'd forgotten it was Roar on the Shore, a bike fest, and it was a lot more crowded with drunk people than usual. Some obnoxious behavior cut our time short, but it was a fun start. This is my first real attempt at nighttime urban photography, so CC is welcomed!


Anonymous said...

Very cool shots!

Reds said...

My faves are the 2nd and 4th ones!

Mom2Drew said...

#2 definitely emits an urban feel for me...very nice.

Anonymous said...

These are all really cool but the last few are really awesome!

pat said...

Are those bike tail lights in the first shot? Very cool.

Angelica said...

I love these!!

Shanna Jones said...

I love number 1 & 2. :)

Kristen Wagner Penn said...

What great locations! I love the second shot.

Anonymous said...

The setting you used with Em and the W is the best because not only does her figure not wash out against the white background, but with the W shot, you capture almost the silhouette--cool.

Anonymous said...

The first one with the light is so awesome! I love it.

Debbi said...

Very fun urban shots!

Michelle said...

nice job at the night shots! they will get addicting, believe me ;)
love the lights in that first one.