Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Powers of Observation

At the peninsula, I found this pretty beetle on a milkweek plant. I thought he looked pretty cool and colorful, so I snapped a couple of shots.
So yeah, neat shot, neat beetle. I was ready to turn away and find the next cool thing....
when I saw this:
There were TONS of them. At least, I think they're all the same type of insect? Maybe not. They all look similar except for their size. I thought maybe they were at different stages of their life cycle or something. But what do I know? Damnit, Jim, I'm a photographer, not an entomologist!
And I guess the moral of the story is that it always pays to take one last look around.


Cindi Koceich said...

That is cool and creepy at the same time!!

Anonymous said...

Whoa creepy crawlies! Great shots!

Sharon said...


pat said...

How cool!!!! So glad you saw the beetle swarm. Looks like they are dressed for Halloween.

Michelle said...

eewww...definitely work a second look. and I always enjoy reading your commentary.

Reds said...

Yuck... hate bugs!! But great shots nonetheless! ;)

Mom2Drew said...

That gives me the heebie jeebies, but what a great pic!

Stacey said...

Cool! Kinda makes me cringe though!!

Suzy said...

Cool and creepy to!

Anonymous said...

OH MY...(shivers). The are colorful, yet still give me the willies!

Jess said...

WHOA! That is a LOT of beetles! They are kinda cute though... in a creepy crawly kind of way.. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hold on a sec while I scratch. LOL I think you're right that this is the same species at various stages. I love the way your shots captured their legs. :::scratchscratchscratch:::

Bobbi said...

Lol I was going to say heebie jeebies and saw Heather did. Bugs creep me out but those pics are cool!

Angela2932 said...

Yes, it always pays to turn around and RUN! And I wanted to say Heebie Jeebies too!

Hi! My name is erica. Would you be my friend? said...

Hi! First I have to say GREAT pics! I have the D40, but my pics aren't half as good!

Also, those bugs are giant milkweed bugs, and yes, those are babies! Cute!

erica :)