Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Osprey

Yesterday we took a drive to Allegheny State Park in New York. While there, we saw an osprey nest. The nest is built atop an electric pole.

When we first arrived, the male osprey was actually perched on the next pole down and nothing was visible within the nest.

But when I got out of the car and approached to see if I could get a couple of pictures, the female rose up from the nest and flew off somewhere.

The male begain to circle the area, screeching at me.

It was thrilling to see this defense behavior. My shots aren't great; it was verging on rain at the time and I couldn't focus fast enough to catch him very well, but it was a very interesting moment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you live in bird heaven, and I hope those osprey-lets aren't electrocuted!