The adage I remember hearing over and over again in the writing courses I took in high school and college was "write what you know." And maybe that applies to photography as well.
So I'll call this "Shoot what you know." And I know weird.
I have a collection of weird things in my house. There's Juan and Juanita, the Latino sand art people; the hideous brass monkey soap dish that holds our change; bobblehead moose. I've shared photos of them in different venues before. Perhaps I'll post a few of them here sometime. But for now, I've got these weird nature photos.
I find strange things in nature, like this twisted tree trunk.
Or I find weird shots, like the water of the pond, shot through an exposed tree root...
...or the view through a hole in a tree.
But the weirdest thing I've found in nature lately would be Liam. And I suppose it makes sense that he's a weirdo, because after all, I bred him, right?
No trip to the peninsula is complete for young Liam without a piece of beach grass (or whatever the heck that is. Damnit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a botanist) to chew on. And when he chews it, he lapses into this bizarre country hick accent. It's heee-larious.
Oh, and he's going on 8. So it's the utmost in humor to pretend that you've been whacked in the crotch by a piece of bark or something. Weirdo.
I don't see Juan and Juanito, but what is that ship that looks so cool?
Ah, Liam (or maybe Liam Bob?). He's the real reason I come to this blog, you know? ;-)
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